Private / Cosmetic dentistry in Coventry
Your SMILE is our constant endeavour
Cosmetic dental treatments in Coventry
Apart from NHS treatment, we also provide a wide variety of cosmetic treatments at an affordable price. Our highly qualified and experienced staff have special interests and are able to provide treatments such as:

Orthodontic (Braces)
If you suffer from unsightly gaps or crooked teeth then braces may be the solution for you. They help to straighten teeth and are available for both children and adults – resulting in the perfect smile.
We provide braces on a private basis at very affordable prices. We are currently offering FREE CONSULTATIONS for braces, so if you decide to enhance your smile, please call us on 02476 223 707 for an appointment. Our dental team will be more than happy to accommodate you.

Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is an effective way to lighten the shade of your teeth and achieve the whiteness you desire.
Yellowing of the teeth is a natural process that occurs over time, causing them to lose their youthful lustre and appear aged.
We can provide teeth whitening in two different ways at the practice.

Home Whitening
This is a simple procedure where custom-made trays that fit over your teeth are made. Detailed impressions are taken to produce sealed well-fitting trays that limit saliva inflow and therefore whitening gel inactivation.
Safe, licensed whitening gel (that can only be prescribed by a dentist) is provided and the tray is worn for a minimum of 2 hours to overnight for two weeks. The period can be extended depending upon how much whitening you require. Subtle results can be seen within a few days, and extra refill gel tubes can also be purchased from the practice at any time on request.

In-house Office Whitening
By using a stronger whitening gel and a special activation light in the surgery, your teeth can be whitened within one hour. This is part of a combination system and is supplemented by the custom-made trays described above. A combination of Office and Home Whitening is regarded as the gold standard of tooth whitening.